Wednesday, April 17, 2013


The Harvest Cycle synopsis

It has been fifty years since the first harvest. Hideous creatures, lethal and lightning-fast, were sewn into the beds of Earth's ocean eons ago. Now, every year, in service to a mad god, they rise from the depths and hunt humans.

Man hides underground in fear of the Harvesters. But he is also sought by other predators: the robots that were for years his companions are now driven to exterminate him in a warped mission of mercy. 

In a race against time, a group of humans cross the United States in a desperate plot to destroy the Harvesters before the next cycle. As if psychotic robots, lobotomized cops and flesh-eating nomads weren't enough of a challenge, they may just invoke the wrath of the ancient god itself.....

Let's begin the @daviddunwoody #TWITTER'VIEW #Author of #DarkFiction #TheHarvestCycle #MustRead

Dragonheart: Welcome David! Thank you for joining me tonight!

David: Thanks for chatting with me Debby.

Dragonheart: You're most welcome. Tell us about your current project please.

David: My latest novel, THE HARVEST CYCLE is a post-apoc story blending elements of Lovecraftian horror and  robot-fueled sci-fi.

Dragonheart: Interesting! What sparked the idea for this project?

David: A nightmare from probably 5-6 years back where I was trapped in a high-rise hotel room, watching as gargoyle-like creatures raced through the streets attacking people. Then I saw one perched on the roof, clicking its claws. That quiet moment was what stuck with me and got me thinking about a story.

Dragonheart: How do you choose your book covers?

David: Permuted Press is great about involving authors in the process. I got to jam with artist Robert Elrod for a perfect cover.

Dragonheart: How do you choose character names?

David: Often times they reference people in my life or fellow authors/artists, but more often than that it's a random process where a name pops into my head while outlining that just sounds "right".

Dragonheart: Music seems to influence a lot of authors, what music influences you?

David: Sometimes I pick music to inspire and fit the mood I want (usually horror film scores or rock) and other times it's, again just what feels "right" when I'm in the zone. During a recent novel I had Cyndi Lauper on repeat, which in no way fits the tone of this horrific story, but for some reason having that music in the background kept the engine running.

Dragonheart: Cyndi Lauper, interesting choice. How do you handle "writers block"?

David: For me the best thing is walk away. Burn off the restless energy doing something else creative like painting. If I try to force the words it never works out. Reading's another great way to relax the brain while keeping the imagination at work.

Dragonheart: Who has been your greatest influence?

David: Barker, Lovecraft & King in terms of style and themes, but overall I have to say writer/director David Cronenburg. The guy's a true visionary and his philosophy of horror as a genre of confrontation rather than escapism resonates with me a lot.

Dragonheart: Do you have or have you ever had a muse?

David: I think so, in certain capacities - the people who really inspire me are those in your life who encourage what you're doing even if it's not their thing (and believe me, flesh-eating and dying words are not a "thing" for most of my loved ones.

Dragonheart: That support is wonderful. What one subject is TABOO in your writing?

David: Something I'm trying to work at is intimacy (not necessarily physical). Highly dysfunctional relationships are so much more accessible & authentic to me, which says a lot about my life too. So I'm working at understanding both on and off the page.

Dragonheart: What do you do when you aren't writing?

David: Read, mostly. Well, if I'm honest, YouTube. But also reading and painting, badly. The mind never shuts up.

Dragonheart: If there was a book you wish you'd written, which would it be?

David: King's IT. Such a perfect Lovecraftian-without-being-too-Lovecraftian epic, and the best book about being a kid I've ever read. 

Dragonheart: King is one of my faves! What is your greatest passion?

David: Boring answer, but it's writing. Consciously or unconsciously, I think we all must choose a purpose & this is what I chose. 

Dragonheart: Thank you and all authors for making that choice. What one word best describes you?

David: Verbose

Dragonheart: If you could change places with one of your characters, would you? Which one and why?

David: Boy, I don't know that I would - very few of them are in enviable positions. If I had to choose one I think it would be the Woman in White from EMPIRE'S END. She was once Death, and left her post to live on her own terms. She's very much at peace with who she is and what she can and can't do. Probably one of the most sane characters I've ever written.

Dragonheart: Is there one, current TV show, that is "can't miss" with you?

David: BREAKING BAD. If I die before the finale, put me in a vault. Because I'm coming back. Or just bury me with a TV.

Dragonheart: Money is no object, where do you go?

David: There are islands in the Mediterranean with unusual old architecture, (as in the film ANTHROPOPHAGUS), and some of these islands have fishing villages which appear to be ruled by feral kittens. I would like to drop in there, although I'd likely be eaten.

Dragonheart: Hopefully not! Tell us the first two books on your TBR list.

David: It's a long list and at the top right now are S.S. Michaels' REVIVAL HOUSE and Well's THE INVISIBLE MAN.

Dragonheart: Tell us one thing we may not know about you.

David: My first novel, EMPIRE, has two editions. I love both but the first cover has a special place in my heart. And a few years back I bought the original drawing from the French artist and have it framed right next to my desk.

Dragonheart: Awesome! What do you want to be when you grow up?

David: A great writer! Given enough time I may come close to "good." I'd like to die in my sleep with my best-ever work half finished.

Dragonheart: Final Question, Of the 7 Deadly Sins, which one have you committed most recently?

David: It's a constant neck-and-neck race between sloth and gluttony, but the latter wins today as I shoveled 3 slices of pizza into my face right before the interview. Brain food, y'know.

Dragonheart: Yes, it's been proven, pizza is a brain food. Thank you for joining me tonight David, it's been a pleasure.

David: Thank you Debby! This was a really fun way to do an interview.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The Last Safe Place: synopsis

In the deepest, darkest, midnight of her soul, Gabriella writes a book, a horror story about demons...and then one of them crawls up out of the pages and confronts her face to face. A deranged, fanatical fan who believes he is the Beast of Babylon from her novel, turns up at a book signing and then comes after her to claim his bride. And to sacrifice her son, Ty, as an offering to their unholy union.

Gabriella, Ty and Ty's grandfather, Theo--the crusty old stand-up comic called Slap Yo Mama Carmichael--run for their lives, back to the only place in Gabriella's life where she ever felt safe. But once there, she discovers that facing the demons from her past may be harder and more dangerous than facing the one who hunts her. 

As Ty and Theo battle their own, personal monsters, Gabriella begins to fall for a man who carries a guilt she can't even begin to imagine.

The predator who stalks Gabriella and her family tracks them down and corners his prey as a full moon rides high in the night sky and lightning explodes on the mountaintop. Then all their lives and demons collide in a final, apocalyptic celebration of one man's madness. Gabriella's only hope lies in the unexplainable power of a 2,000 year-old-tree. Is it strong enough to save them? Can a single, perfect bristlecone pine somehow determine the fate of them all? 

Let's begin with the @NinieHammon #TWITTER'VIEW #Author of #Thriller #Suspense #TheLastSafePlace

Dragonheart: Thank you for joining me! How are you this evening?

Ninie: If I were any better, Debby, I'd be twins. That's what my granny used to say, and no, it never made sense to me, either.

Dragonheart: LOL! I like that. Tell us about your current project.
Ninie: The Last Safe Place is my 7th book, out 4/1/13. Story of novelist, psychotic fan. Here's the summary..

Dragonheart: You know I loved it! What sparked the idea for this project?

Ninie: Bristlecone pine forest at 12,000 feet on Mt. Princeton, Colorado Rockies. Some trees 4,000 years old, alive when Jesus walked.

Dragonheart: Amazing! How do you choose your book covers?

Ninie: Penguin-Putnam gave me 0 input on cover 4 1st book. Now, pub ask ideas, sends proofs, I work w/designer back & 4th til love it.

Dragonheart: How do you choose character names?

Ninie: 1 of many pre-writing lists. I select boy/girl names from the era/region so I can grab 1 when I need it & not grind to a halt.

Dragonheart: Music seems to influence a lot of writers, what music influences you?

Ninie: None. When 9e's writing U must be vewry, vewry quiet. Husband tiptoes like Cat Burglar, pretends he likes Sports Center on mute.

Dragonheart: LOL How do you handle "writer's block"?

Ninie: 25 yrs as journalist-story HAD 2 be done on deadline. Period! Get writer's block & ur collecting unemployment. So I never got it.

Dragonheart: Wow. Who has been your greatest influence?

Ninie: Stephen King.(KING) Dean Koontz (5 bks a yr!) Robert McCammon. IT Watchers Swan Song Element of "unexplainable" in them all.

Dragonheart: Some of my fave authors. Love Swan Song! Do you have or have you ever had a muse?

Ninie: California Raisins"..heard it through the Grapevine, dada, dada,.." Hardees gave them away in the  '70's, all 4 on my desk ever since.

Dragonheart: I remember. What one subject is TABOO in your writing?

Ninie: Not TABOO, but don't use obscenity. Gritty, earthy stories, pain, ugliness--and NO READER ever commented characters didn't curse.

Dragonheart: What do you do when you aren't writing?

Ninie: Supposed 2 be time when U don't write? Nobody told me that part! Why...I think I'll...I don't know--nap, maybe. Or roast an eel. I'm a compulsive decorator. Nesting instinct on steroids. I'd paint a motel room! Kids never stood still--afraid I'd wallpaper 'em. 

Dragonheart: HA HA HA! If there was a book you wish you'd written, which would it be?

Ninie: Lord of the Rings. Read 16 times in college--made mark on the back cover each time. Then cover fell off. Read DOZENS of times after that. 

Dragonheart: Amazing! What is your greatest passion?

Ninie: Sounds cheesy, but it's writing. When I close my eyes and that movie starts...woohoo! Hold on to your shorts Mildred, here we go!

Dragonheart: What ONE word best describes you?

Ninie: 1 word?

Dragonheart: :-) If you could change places with one of your characters, would you? Which one and why?

Ninie: I think I'd like to be Jamie Sparrow in Black Sunshine. It'd be cool to carve statues of people I've never met and the future.

Dragonheart: Is the one current, TV show, that is can't miss with you?

Ninie: Hop around England/Wales/Scotland/Scandanavia & US like frog on lily pads. Get interested in show & then gone again. Wait, "Justified." Technical director of the show was coal mining expert for my novel Black Sunshine set in Harlan County, Ky.

Dragonheart: Love me some Raylan! Money is no object, where do you go?

Ninie: NOWHERE! All I do is travel! Spent golden years floating belly-up in a puddle of jet lag. Home. Cheetos. Vat of British yogurt. Ahh!!

Dragonheart: :-) Tell us, please, the first two books on your TBR list.

Ninie: I'm the only writer in the America that hasn't read Stephen King's On Writing. That #1. #2 is read all on top 100 Suspense Books list.

Dragonheart: Tell us one thing we may not know about you.

Ninie: U could follow me thru my life along a trail of my lost possessions. Hats. Gloves. Earrings. Passport! Record 4 Sunglasses..3 days.

Dragonheart: Oh no! What do you want to be when you grow up?

Ninie: I have no intention of growing up. Criteria 4 decisions is 2 ask, "What would I do if I didn't know how old I was?" Then do it.

Dragonheart: Love it! Final question. Of the 7 Deadly Sins, which one have you committed most recently?

Ninie: Uh...could we talk about butterflies? I like butterflies! Or daisies? Or...Ok. (Sigh) SIN I just got a speeding ticket--wrath!

Dragonheart: Ut oh! Thank you so much for taking the time to join me tonight Ninie. It's been an honor and a pleasure. 

Ninie: The pleasure's been all mine. I enjoyed it!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Life After : Werewolf Domination synopsis

People are changing into werewolves all over the country. Men, women and children are being killed. The human population of the United States is plummeting. Randi and surviving members of her family escape the city and take refuge in the deserted grasslands. They think they'll be safe from the horrors destroying civilization until it comes knocking on their front door. Many will die in the now apocalyptic United States.  Many will be changed forever into something which shouldn't exist. Love, death and new life will be found in the wasteland. This is the story of Randi and her family's  everyday struggles. Beware! Surviving in this new world can be very dangerous and bloody.

Let's begin with the @MercedesLudill TWITTER'VIEW Author of Horror Life After : Werewolf Domination

Dragonheart: Welcome Mercedes! How are you this evening?

Mercedes: Hi--good, good, how about yourself?

Dragonheart: Fantastic! Tell us about your current project.

Mercedes: I'm currently working on my 3rd werewolf novel, which will happen before Life After, my newest release. 

Dragonheart: A prequel, love it! What sparked the idea for this project?

Mercedes: I love to read books that are connected somehow. Like some of the characters from VOW, my first book, are in After Life too.

Dragonheart: When can we expect to see this project?

Mercedes: I'm only about a 1/4 way into it. I'm aiming for it to be out before Christmas. Halloween would be great!

Dragonheart: Music seems to influence a lot of authors, what music influences you?

Mercedes: I love Godsmack,Snoop Dog, movie soundtracks, Limp Bizkit. When I'm angry Marilyn Manson is a good stress relief.

Dragonheart: WOW! How do you handle "writers block"?

Mercedes: I usually take a day off & read a book or watch a movie. My imagination runs pretty wild with that little bit of stimulation. 

Dragonheart: How do you choose book covers?

Mercedes: I design my own. I snoop up the web & find different images, then work on combining them to make just the right cover. However, for Life After, my friend, Greg, helped me with the design and together we came up with the eye and the claw marks.

Dragonheart: How do you choose character names?

Mercedes: Now that is a hard one. I used to try to think up names, but that doesn't work so well. Then I found sites on the internet with baby names and would go through there. But still that's tough coming up with first and last names. Then I happened along a site that generates names and that has made my life so much easier.
Dragonheart: I can imagine. Who has been your greatest influence?

Mercedes: Good question. I guess my greatest influence has been all the other authors out there, indies, who took a chance and wrote their books. I've read loads of them & figured since I've always wanted to be a writer, I'd give it a go. If they can do it, I can do it. My only regret is not doing it sooner.

Dragonheart: What one subject is TABOO in your writing?

Mercedes: Politics! I hate politics! I don't mind sex, rape, violence, gore or religion, but politics, I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than have anything to do with that.

Dragonheart: LOL What do you do when you aren't writing?

Mercedes: I like to read. I play ball with my dogs. I love to shop and who doesn't love naps. Course there's my housework too.

Dragonheart: If there was one book you wish you'd written, which would it be?
Mercedes: HARRY POTTER! Rowling is genius and I love Harry, it takes me away with every reading. And the writing is superb.

Dragonheart: I have all those too! What is your greatest passion?
Mercedes: husband, my dogs, my parents and my two best friends. Course life would be horrible without books and computers :). But I can live without those things, my loved ones, I can't.

Dragonheart: Material things are replaceable. If you could change places with one of your characters, would you? Which one and why?Mercedes: Out of them all, Randi, the main character in Life After. I don't know that I really want to. I don't want to see the world taken over by werewolves. But she's strong, beautiful and has hot sex with men of our dreams.

Dragonheart: :-) What one word best describes you?

Mercedes: Freak, that's my nickname and it's fitting.

Dragonheart: Is there one, current, TV show, that is can't miss with you?

Mercedes: True Blood, love that show!

Dragonheart: I watch that too. Money is no object, where do you go?

Mercedes: Well, I'm not much of a traveler and I've been out of the country once. Heck, I don't like to go to the next state. But in this case I think I'd like to see Australia or Africa, for the wildlife and the African Wild Dog...they are so pretty.

Dragonheart: Australia, yes! Tell us the first two books on your TBR list.
Mercedes: Ok, now that is a hard one. I have like 200 books to read. But the next two I'm looking at are, Close My Eyes by Sophie McKenzie & Zom B by Darren Shan.

Dragonheart: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Mercedes: HAHA that's a good one! I don't want to grow up! I hate the idea of growing up! But if I have to be something, I want to be who I am but smarter and a known/popular author/novelist.

Dragonheart: You can do it! Final question. Of the 7 Deadly Sins, which one have you committed most recently?
Mercedes: Pride. I've been very proud of Life After and the re-release of Vengeance of the Werewolf & I've bragged about it.

Dragonheart: Thank you so much for joining me here tonight! It's been a pleasure!

Mercedes: Thanks for having me! I had a great time!

Monday, April 1, 2013


Blood Trade synopsis

Jane Yellowrock is a shape-shifting skinwalker who's always up for a fight - even if it means putting her life on the line...

The Master of Natchez, Mississippi has a nasty problem on his hands. Rogue vampires--those who follow the Naturaleza and believe humans should be nothing more than prey to be hunted--are terrorizing his city. Luckily, he knows the perfect skinwalker to call in to take back the streets.

But what he doesn't tell Jane is there's something different about these vamps. Something that makes them harder to kill--even for a pro like Jane. Now, her simple job has turned into a fight to stay alive..and to protect the desperately ill child left in her care.

Let's begin with the @HunterFaith TWITTER'VIEW #Author of #UrbanFantasy #BloodTrade

Dragonheart: Welcome Faith. How are you tonight?

Faith: Great to be here! Waves to all the readers!

Dragonheart: Tell us, please, about your current project.

Faith: BLOOD TRADE is out tomorrow, April 2nd. Jane Yellowrock is in Natchez, Ms. fighting rogue vamps. My WIP, (work in progress), is BLACK ARTS. Jane Yellowrock is back in NOLA, with multiple problems. Related? We'll see. 

Dragonheart: Can't wait!  What sparked the idea for this project?

Faith: Previous books, unfinished plot lines, led me. I needed to pull on some and see where they went. 

Dragonheart:  Interesting! How do you choose book covers?

Faith: Commercially published writers don't say much on covers. We get asked for ideas. The art dept. of the publishing house does what they think is best. And for all the Jane Yellowrock books, I get to be happy!

Dragonheart: Did you have any input on the Jane Yellowrock model for the covers?

Faith: Not a lick! But they chose well for the last few books. She looks a lot like Jane. 

Dragonheart: Yes, she does. Music seems to influence a lot of writers, what music influences you?

Faith: Until I started the WIP, never used or listened to music while writing except for certain scenes where Jane Yellowrock is in the Cherokee sweathouse. Then I listened to American Indian music.

Dragonheart: How do you handle "writers block"?

Faith: If I can't write, it is because I did something wrong and the creative hindbrain is stopping me until I fix it. I reread and start over from the part that feels wrong. But really? I don't believe in writers block. No such thing. 

(Mudepoz): Do you think you share any of Jane's attribute's? Which do you wish you had?

Faith: Hmmm. Her ability to heal. LOL I paddled last week and I hurt.

Dragonheart: How do you choose character names?

Faith: When I create a character I pick their plot-line-job, ethnicity, gender. The basics. I do an internet search, find one I like.

Dragonheart: Who has been your greatest influence?

Faith: If you mean who in the writing world, then that list is long, and includes lots of bestselling thriller and fantasy writers. If you mean in real life, my mom, natch!

Dragonheart: Moms are awesome! Do you have or have you ever had a muse?

Faith: Yes. He is 6 feet 4, bald, hirsute, with a beer belly, and he wears a red speedo, red cowboy boots, and he carries a red whip. I write hard so I never have to go see him. He's kinda scary.

Dragonheart:  I'm not going to ask. :) What one subject is TABOO in your writing?

Faith: Not much. My bad guys are pretty horrible and do bad things. However, I try to never kill children or pets on page. And sex? Is kept to a minimum because my sex scenes suck. Ummm...I don't write sex well. (rolls eyes)

Dragonheart: You do awesome? What do you do when you aren't writing?

Faith: Well, I work about 80 hours a week, between writing full time and working at a lab full time, (for the benefits, which writers don't get). I grow orchids, make jewelry. Hubby and I paddle class II and III white waters.

Dragonheart: WOW! If there was a book you wish you'd written, which would it be?

Faith: I am very covetous, but I honestly can't think of one. I've written so many, that I've satisfied that covetous need in me.

Dragonheart: Not many can say that. What is your greatest passion?

Faith: I guess that would be writing. I give up a lot for the story. I could be relaxing on a riverbank somewhere, yet, here I am!

Dragonheart: And we, your readers, thank you! What ONE word best describes you?

Faith: LOL I'm a novelist, not a poet. Can't do it in one! Loyal. Bossy. Hot tempered. A believer in the overcoming good of life.

Dragonheart: Ha! Is there one, current TV show, that is "can't miss" with you?

Faith: I'm not sure I understand the concept of *one*. I have several NCIS, Big Bang Theory, Castle and Elementary. LOVE them!

Dragonheart: Some of my favorites! Tell us the first two books on your TBR list.

Faith: Kim Harrison's EVER AFTER. And I'm halfway through Lee Child's A WANTED MAN. I adore Jack Reacher!

Dragonheart: Tell us one thing we may not know about you.

Faith: One thing....Hmmm...I am pretty much an open book. So...really, no. I know. Boooorrriiing!

(Mudepoz): What made you decide to write about Jane? You have so many different types of books, she's very different.

Faith: Yes, she is.I love her because she is the result of so many years of writing. She is complex and broken. And she is the result of a lifetime of knowing people who are broken and maybe being one of the broken myself. 

Dragonheart: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Faith: Who says I wanna grow up? LOL Okay. A writer. And healthy. And skinny.

Dragonheart: Final question. Of the 7 Deadly Sins, which one have you committed most recently?

Faith: Gluttony. You know those creme horns? I ate two. In a row. Which is why I'm not skinny. Or particularly healthy. And which proves I'm not grown up.

Dragonheart: Love those things! So yummy! Thank you Faith for allowing me the opportunity to do this. It's been an honor! Truly!

Faith: Thank you for having me! The honor is all mine! Wait a minute! Was this all an April Fools prank?

Dragonheart: No, no April Fools. Thank you again Faith. It's been a pleasure.

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