Author TWITTER'VIEW Instruction Page w\questions
Thank you for participating in Dragonheart's LIVE TWITTER'VIEWS...A great way to bring fresh eyes to your books!!!
For some the thought is scary, but let me assure you, it's easy-peasy!
Here is a list of questions you'll be asked:
1. Tell us about your current project.
2. What sparked the idea for this project?
3. If your project has just been published question 3 will be: How do you choose your book covers?
If publication is coming up question 3 will be: When can we expect to see this project?
4. Music seems to influence a lot of authors, what music influences your writing?
5. How do you handle "writers block"?
6. Who has been your greatest influence?
7. Do you or have you ever had a muse?
8. What one subject is TABOO in your writing?
9. What do you do when you aren't writing?
10. If there was one book you wish you'd written, which would it be?
11. What is your greatest passion?
12. What one word best describes you?
13. If you could change places with one of your characters, would you?
Which one and why?
14. Is there one, current, tv show that is "can't miss" for you?
15. Money is no object, where do you go?
16. Tell me, please, the first two books on your TBR list.
17. How do you choose character names?
18. Tell us one thing we may not know about you.
19. What do you want to be when you grow up?
20. Of the 7 Deadly Sins, which one have you committed most recently?
There is a very good chance that I will ask you questions, not listed here, in response to some of your answers.
Some like to answer "off the cuff", while other authors prefer to familiarize and pre-plan their responses by testing them on Twitter for proper length ( only have 140 characters for your answer).
If you need more space to complete your response, FEAR NOT! Simply place an * (asterisk) at the end of part one of your response and I will wait for a part two before I ask the next question-the asterisk is our friend. :-)
We can also friend on Facebook and communicate during the TWITTER'VIEW via I.M., in the event of a glitch.
The interview will begin with an introduction and a response to the introduction BY YOU, and then the questions will begin.
Please hit REPLY only! DO NOT start a new thread for your response, even if it is a part two response (simply go back to the original question and hit REPLY again.
At the end of the TWITTER'VIEW, I will thank you. Feel free to REPLY with a link to your blog or any page you wish to draw interest to.
Remember to send me a photo of yourself and your book cover(s) and preferred links which you would like me to list on your featured post. All of the questions and answers from your TWITTER'VIEW will appear on my blog shortly after the TWITTER'VIEW ends.
Please also remember to FOLLOW on my blog!
Thank you and HAPPY TWEETING!

I would like to be interviewed. Please contact me at